At Passport 2 Fashion, our mission is to celebrate diversity and empower individuals through the transformative power of fashion. We believe in creating a platform that fosters inclusiveness, promotes belonging, and increases representation within the fashion industry and beyond.


We understand the importance of representation in shaping the fashion narrative. By highlighting a diverse range of body types, ethnicities, genders, and abilities, we inspire individuals to embrace their unique identities and feel empowered in their personal style choices. We firmly believe that fashion should be a tool for self-expression, enabling individuals to authentically showcase their inner beauty and confidence.


Our commitment is to showcase the beauty of diversity by curating a diverse range of styles, perspectives, and cultures. We strive to uplift and amplify underrepresented voices, designers, and fashion enthusiasts from all walks of life. Through our inclusive platform, we aim to create a sense of belonging, where everyone feels seen, valued, and celebrated.


Founder’s Note

"As an immigrant of South Asian origin, I hold my culture close to my heart. While there is a lot to celebrate about my heritage, issues like colorism and negative body image have plagued the collective consciousness of many generations. I quickly realized that other cultures and even the global fashion landscape are impacted by these beliefs and age-old notions of attractiveness and beauty. I wanted to change that.

With Passport 2 Fashion, I set out to shatter fashion’s reputation of being exclusive & inaccessible. I wanted to create an environment of inclusiveness and belonging where everyone can celebrate their individuality and take pride in what makes them unique. Championing diversity through fashion is important to me because an individual’s style is an integral part of their confidence."

Aditi Bhatiya

Founder, Passport 2 Fashion

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